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WAC 388-148-1480: What are the requirements for animals?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 388 > Chapter 388-148 > Section 388-148-1480



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WAC 388-148-1480

What are the requirements for animals?

(1) All animals on your property must be safe and properly cared for in a sanitary manner. (2) You must comply with city, county, state and federal statutes and regulations regarding: (a) Animal safety; (b) Vaccinations; and (c) Standard veterinary care. (3) You may not have an animal in your home or on your premises that is dangerous to children in care. (4) We have the discretion to limit the type and number of household pets and animals if we determine that there are risks to the children in your care. (5) All pet medications must be kept in a separate locked container. [Statutory Authority: Chapters 13.34 and 74.13 RCW, RCW 74.15.030(2), 74.15.311(2), 74.13.032, 13.04.011, 74.13.020, 13.34.030, 74.13.031, 13.34.145, 74.15.311, 74.15.030, and 2013 c 105. WSR 15-01-069, § 388-148-1480, filed 12/11/14, effective 1/11/15.]