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Section: 173.1006 Performance measures to be utilized--board to evaluate every three years--report. RSMO 173.1006

Published: 2015

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Missouri Revised Statutes

Chapter 173

Department of Higher Education


Section 173.1006.1


August 28, 2015

Performance measures to be utilized--board to evaluate every three years--report.

173.1006. 1. Each public four-year institution, each community

college, and the state technical college shall utilize the five

institutional performance measures it has submitted to, and that were

approved by, the coordinating board for higher education as of August 28,

2014, for performance funding under sections 163.191, 173.1540, and

178.638. Each institution shall adopt, in collaboration with the

coordinating board for higher education, an additional institutional

performance measure to measure student job placement in a field or position

associated with the student's degree level and pursuit of a graduate

degree. The institutional performance measure relating to job placement

may not be used in any year in which the state unemployment rate has

increased from the previous calendar year's state unemployment rate.

2. The coordinating board shall evaluate and, if necessary, revise

the institutional performance measures every three years beginning in

calendar year 2019 or more frequently at the coordinating board's


3. The department of higher education shall be responsible for

evaluating the effectiveness of the performance funding measures, including

their effect on statewide postsecondary, higher education, and workforce

goals, and shall submit a report to the governor, the joint committee on

education, the speaker of the house of representatives and president pro

tempore of the senate by October 31, 2019, and every four years thereafter.

(L. 2007 S.B. 389, A.L. 2014 S.B. 492)



173.1006. 1. The following performance measures shall be established by

July 1, 2008:

(1) Two institutional measures as negotiated by each public institution

through the department of higher education; and

(2) Three statewide measures as developed by the department of higher

education in consultation with public institutions of higher education.

One such measure may be a sector-specific measure making use of the 2005

additional Carnegie categories, if deemed appropriate by the department of

higher education.

2. The department shall report to the joint committee on education

established in section 160.254 on its progress at least twice a year in

developing the statewide measures and negotiating the institution-specific

measures and shall develop a procedure for reporting the effects of

performance measures to the joint committee on education at an appropriate

time for consideration during the appropriations process.


Missouri General Assembly

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