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WAC 162-08-062: Concurrent remedies-Other remedies

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 162 > Chapter 162-08 > Section 162-08-062



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WAC 162-08-062

Concurrent remedies—Other remedies.

Except as otherwise provided by RCW 49.60.340, the law against discrimination preserves the right of a complainant or aggrieved person to simultaneously pursue other available civil or criminal remedies for an alleged violation of the law in addition to, or in lieu of, filing an administrative complaint of discrimination with the commission, with the following limitations:
(1) Abeyance—Real estate transactions. A complaint of an unfair practice in a real estate transaction filed concurrently with the commission and another federal, state or local instrumentality with whom the commission has entered into a cooperative agreement under the terms of RCW 49.60.226 or other provision of law will be held in abeyance during the pendency of the other proceeding unless the other proceeding has been deferred pending state action under the terms of the cooperative agreement.
(2) Abeyance—General rule. A complaint of an unfair practice other than in real estate transactions will be held in abeyance during the pendency of a case in federal or state court litigating the same claim, whether under the law against discrimination or a similar law, unless the executive director or the commissioners direct that the complaint continue to be processed. A complaint of an unfair practice other than in real estate transactions will not be held in abeyance during pendency of a federal, state, or local administrative proceeding, unless the executive director or commissioners determine that it should be held in abeyance.
(3) No complainant or aggrieved person may secure relief from more than one governmental agency, instrumentality or tribunal for the same harm or injury.
(4) Where the complainant or aggrieved person elects to pursue simultaneous claims in more than one forum, the factual and legal determinations issued by the first tribunal to rule on the claims may, in some circumstances, be binding on all or portions of the claims pending before other tribunals.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.60.120(3) and 49.60.240. WSR 96-13-045, § 162-08-062, filed 6/13/96, effective 7/14/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.60.120(3). WSR 89-23-020, § 162-08-062, filed 11/7/89, effective 12/8/89; Order 35, § 162-08-062, filed 9/2/77.]