Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 266
Seeds, Fertilizers and Feeds
Section 266.170.1
August 28, 2015
Commercial feed, how labeled.
266.170. A commercial feed shall be labeled as follows:
(1) In case of a commercial feed, except a customer-formula feed, it
shall be accompanied by a label bearing the following information:
(a) The product name, and the brand name if any, under which the
commercial feed is distributed. Single ingredient feeds shall have a product
name in accordance with the designated definition of feed ingredients as
recognized by the Association of American Feed Control Officials unless the
director designates otherwise;
(b) The guaranteed analysis stated in such terms as the director by rule
determines is required to advise the user of the composition of the feed or
to support claims made in the labeling, and in all cases the substances or
elements shall be determinable by laboratory methods from generally recognized
sources such as the methods published by the Association of Official
Analytical Chemists;
(c) The name of each ingredient used in the manufacture of the
commercial feed shall be that established by rule or the common or usual
name. The director by rule may permit the use of a collective term for a
group of ingredients which perform a similar function, or the director may
exempt such commercial feeds, or any group thereof, from this requirement of
an ingredient statement if the director finds that such statement is not
required in the interest of consumers;
(d) The name and principal mailing address of the manufacturer or the
person responsible for distributing the commercial feed;
(e) Adequate directions for use for all commercial feeds containing
drugs and for such other feeds as the director may require by rule as
necessary for their safe and effective use;
(f) Such precautionary statements as the director by rule determines are
necessary for the safe and effective use of the commercial feed;
(g) The quantity statement;
(2) In the case of a customer-formula feed, it shall be accompanied by a
label, invoice, delivery slip, or other shipping document, bearing the
following information:
(a) Name and address of the manufacturer;
(b) Name and address of the purchaser;
(c) Date of delivery;
(d) The product name and brand name, if any, and the net weight of each
commercial feed used in the mixture, and the net weight of each other
ingredient used;
(e) Adequate directions for use for all customer-formula feeds
containing drugs and for such other feeds as the director may require by rule
as necessary for their safe and effective use;
(f) Such warning or caution statements as the director by rule
determines are necessary for the safe and effective use of the
customer-formula feed.
(L. 1972 S.B. 506 § 6, A.L. 1997 H.B. 211)
Effective 1-1-98
Missouri General Assembly
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