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WAC 16-516-150: Notice To Director

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 16 > Chapter 16-516 > Section 16-516-150



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 16-516-150

Notice to director.

The commission shall notify the director in writing of any handler who has not established a record of prompt payment, and such handler shall be subject to the provisions of WAC 16-516-040 (2)(e) which states as follows: No affected units of potatoes shall be transported, carried, shipped, sold, stored or otherwise handled or disposed of until every due and payable assessment herein provided for has been paid and the receipt issued, but no liability hereunder shall attach to common carriers in the regular course of their business. When any potatoes for which exemption as provided in subsection (1) of this section is claimed are shipped either by railroad or truck, there shall be plainly noted on the bill of lading, shipping document, container or invoice, the reasons for such exemptions.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 15.66 and 34.05 RCW, specifically RCW 15.66.140(2). WSR 06-03-002, § 16-516-150, filed 1/4/06, effective 2/4/06. Order XII, § 16-516-150, filed 7/2/73.]