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WAC 230-14-295: Electronic facsimiles of I.D. stamps

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 230 > Chapter 230-14 > Section 230-14-295



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 230-14-295

Electronic facsimiles of I.D. stamps.

Punch board and pull-tab licensees may use a printer interfaced with a computer to create an electronic facsimile of the I.D. stamps, as long as licensees:
(1) Input the I.D. stamp number into the computer; and
(2) Print records on white paper. Facsimiles of the I.D. stamp must be at least one-quarter inch in height with a "quiet zone" of at least one-quarter inch on each side of the bar code; and
(3) Code "interleaved two of five" (USS-ITF-2/5) bar code facsimiles. This is a high-density numeric-only barcode type used in the Automatic Identification and Data Capture industry. It is also called American National Standards Institute/Association for Automatic Identification and Mobility (ANSI/AIM) ITF 2/5. The bar code must have a readability rate of at least ninety-nine percent with a maximum of three passes with our bar code reading equipment. An example is below:


(4) Licensees are responsible for the accuracy of printouts and that bar codes are electronically readable.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. WSR 07-17-058 (Order 614), § 230-14-295, filed 8/10/07, effective 1/1/08.]