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WAC 82-04-020: Agency transmissions to the office of administrative hearings

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 82 > Chapter 82-04 > Section 82-04-020



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 82-04-020

Agency transmissions to the office of administrative hearings.

Within ten business days of receipt of the appellant's request for hearing, the agency shall also transmit to OAH the relevant case file, including documents which the agency intends to use as exhibits in the hearing. The case file and documents may be transmitted to OAH together with the request for hearing. If the case file and documents are exceptionally voluminous, the agency should contact OAH for instructions before transmitting them.
[Statutory Authority: 2003 c 77. WSR 03-21-024, § 82-04-020, filed 10/7/03, effective 11/7/03.]