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WAC 246-215-04224: Accuracy-Pressure measuring devices, mechanical warewashing equipment (2009 FDA Food Code 4-203.13)

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 246 > Chapter 246-215 > Section 246-215-04224



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 246-215-04224

Accuracy—Pressure measuring devices, mechanical warewashing equipment (2009 FDA Food Code 4-203.13).

Pressure measuring devices that display the pressures in the water supply line for the fresh hot water SANITIZING rinse must have increments of one pound per square inch (seven kilopascals) or smaller and must be accurate to ± two pounds per square inch (± 14 kilopascals) in the range indicated on the manufacturer's data plate.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20.050 and 43.20.145. WSR 13-03-109, § 246-215-04224, filed 1/17/13, effective 5/1/13.]