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WAC 308-96B-010: Definitions-Individual with disabilities special parking privileges

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 308 > Chapter 308-96B > Section 308-96B-010

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WAC 308-96B-010

Definitions—Individual with disabilities special parking privileges.

For the purposes of determining eligibility under RCW 46.16.381, for individual with disabilities special parking placards and license plates, the following definitions apply:
(1) "Application for individual" means the form provided by the department that must be completed by the individual and physician.
(2) "Application for organization" means the form provided by the department that must be completed by the organization.
(3) "Identification card" means the identification card bearing the name and date of birth of the person to whom the placard/plate/tab is issued.
(4) "Licensed physician" is a health care provider to include: Chiropractor (DC), naturopath (ND), physician or surgeon (MD or DO), podiatrist (DPM), advanced registered nurse practitioner (ARNP), physician's assistant (PA). Licensed physician does not include persons licensed in the professions of dentistry and optometry.
(5) "Permanent" means a licensed physician has certified the qualifying disability condition is expected to last at least five years.
(6) "Permit" means the eligibility for the temporary or permanent placard or special license plate(s), individual with disability license tab, and identification card.
(7) "Private carriers" means those entities contracting with public transportation authorities to transport persons with disabilities.
(8) "Privilege" means the right to utilize the benefits associated with the individuals with disabilities, parking placards, identification card, license plate(s) and tabs.
(9) "Public transportation authorities" means those entities operating motor vehicles owned or leased by Washington state, or a town, city, county, municipality, or metropolitan or municipal corporation within the state, or United States government agencies or Indian nations used for the primary purpose of transporting persons with disabilities.
(10) "Signature" means any memorandum, mark, stamp, or sign made with intent to authenticate an application for a placard/plate, or the subscription of any person.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.12.381. WSR 07-20-111, § 308-96B-010, filed 10/3/07, effective 11/3/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.16.381. WSR 06-19-079, § 308-96B-010, filed 9/19/06, effective 10/20/06.]