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WAC 173-328-040: Fee Establishment

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 173 > Chapter 173-328 > Section 173-328-040



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 173-328-040

Fee establishment.

The department shall, on a biennial basis, determine all reasonable program costs necessary to carry out the department's duties under chapter 173-303 WAC for each mixed waste facility. The fee may be assessed at a mixed waste facility for the department's regulation of both mixed waste and nonradioactive dangerous waste. The department shall include, but not be limited to, the following items to determine fee amounts:
(1) Direct and indirect cost of:
(a) Office space and supplies, administrative staff, support staff, and staff training;
(b) The development of associated regulations and guidelines;
(c) Determination, assessment, and collection of fees;
(d) Tracking and accounting services;
(e) Public involvement, education, and outreach; and
(f) Data management.
(2) Direct and indirect permitting costs of:
(a) Staff, staff support, and staff training for reviewing, approving, and issuing dangerous waste permits and closure plans;
(b) Reviewing and issuing permit modifications and renewals;
(c) Travel; and
(d) Contract services.
(3) Direct and indirect compliance activity cost of:
(a) Staff, staff support, and staff training to prepare and conduct compliance inspections;
(b) Sampling and lab analysis;
(c) Contract services;
(d) Travel; and
(e) Preparation of compliance report(s).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.105.280. WSR 93-09-065 (Order 91-24), § 173-328-040, filed 4/20/93, effective 5/21/93.]