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WAC 308-49-200: Telephone solicitation

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 308 > Chapter 308-49 > Section 308-49-200



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WAC 308-49-200

Telephone solicitation.

(1) The use of telephones for solicitation of prearrangements is prevalent. This form of communication offers unique benefits, but entails special risks and poses potential for abuse. The board finds that any impropriety in telephone solicitation is a matter vitally affecting the public interest. For the general welfare of the public and in order to protect the integrity of the funeral industry, the use of telephones in solicitation of prearrangements must be defined by the board.
(2) Definitions:
(a) "Telephone solicitor" means any person who engages in telephone solicitation on behalf of a holder of an establishment license.
(b) "Telephone solicitation" means an unsolicited telephone call to a person and conversation for the purpose of inducing the person to make funeral prearrangements made without previous invitation, expressed or implied, by the person called.
(3) Time limits:
(a) No licensee may knowingly cause a telephone solicitation to be made to any person more often than once in every six months.
(b) A telephone solicitor shall not place calls which will be received before 8:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m.
(4) Unfair/deceptive practices. A telephone solicitor may not engage in any conduct the natural consequence of which is to harass, intimidate, or torment any person in connection with the telephone call.
(5) Identification. Within the first thirty seconds of the telephone call, a telephone solicitor or salesperson shall:
(a) Identify himself or herself, the company on whose behalf the solicitation is being made, the property, goods, or services being represented; and
(b) Terminate the telephone call within ten seconds if the purchaser indicates he or she does not wish to continue the conversation.
(6) Termination of contact. If at any time during the telephone contact, the purchaser states or indicates that he or she does not wish to be called again by the telephone solicitor or wants to have his or her name and individual telephone number removed from the telephone lists used by the telephone solicitor, the telephone solicitor shall not make any additional telephone solicitation of the called party at that telephone number within a period of at least one year.
(7) Enforcement. In the event that the board discerns a pattern of violation of these standards the board may act against the registrant's prearrangement registration as provided by chapter 18.39 RCW.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.39.175(4). WSR 90-17-148, § 308-49-200, filed 8/22/90, effective 9/22/90.]