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Chapter 75.30.280 Rcw Dispositions: License Limitation Programs

Published: 2015

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RCWs > Dispositions > Title 75 > Chapter 75.30

Chapter 75.30.280 RCW Dispositions




Legislative findings.

[1977 ex.s. c 106 § 1.]

Decodified pursuant to 1983 1st ex.s. c 46 § 182. Now a note following RCW 75.30.065.


Vessel-to-person transition — Vessel ownership and license qualification status — Expiration of section.

[1993 c 340 § 45.]

Expired January 1, 1995.


License renewed subject to RCW 75.28.042.

[1997 c 58 § 884.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.010 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Moratorium on issuance of licenses — Renewals — Transfers.

[1983 1st ex.s. c 46 § 141; 1981 c 202 § 1; 1979 c 101 § 7; 1977 ex.s. c 106 § 2.]

Recodified as RCW 75.30.065 pursuant to 1983 1st ex.s. c 46 § 140.


No harvest opportunity during year — License requirements waived — Effect on license limitation programs.

[2000 c 107 § 56; 1995 c 227 § 2.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.020 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Charter boats under construction or purchased between April 16, 1976 and May 28, 1977.

[1977 ex.s. c 106 § 3.]

Repealed by 1983 1st ex.s. c 46 § 190, effective January 1, 1984.


Duty of department to evaluate and recommend phase II approach.

[1977 ex.s. c 106 § 4.]

Repealed by 1983 1st ex.s. c 46 § 190, effective January 1, 1984.


Advisory review boards.

[2000 c 107 § 57; 1999 c 151 § 1601; 1995 c 269 § 3101. Prior: 1994 sp.s. c 9 § 807; 1994 c 260 § 18; prior: 1993 c 376 § 9; 1993 c 340 § 27; 1990 c 61 § 3; 1989 c 37 § 3; 1986 c 198 § 7; 1983 1st ex.s. c 46 § 138; 1977 ex.s. c 106 § 5.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.030 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Regional advisory committees abolished.

[1994 sp.s. c 9 § 808.]

Decodified pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 144.


Administrative review of department's decision — Hearing — Procedures.

[2000 c 107 § 58; 1995 1st sp.s. c 2 § 32 (Referendum Bill No. 45, approved November 7, 1995); 1983 1st ex.s. c 46 § 139; 1977 ex.s. c 106 § 6.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.040 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Salmon charter boats — Limitation on issuance of licenses — Renewal — Transfer.

[2000 c 107 § 59; 1993 c 340 § 28; 1983 1st ex.s. c 46 § 141; 1981 c 202 § 1; 1979 c 101 § 7; 1977 ex.s. c 106 § 2. Formerly RCW 75.30.020.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.050 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Salmon charter boats — Angler permit, when required.

[2000 c 107 § 60; 1998 c 190 § 100; 1993 c 340 § 29; 1989 c 147 § 2; 1983 1st ex.s. c 46 § 142; 1979 c 101 § 2.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.060 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Anglers' permits/boat size schedule.

[1979 c 101 § 3.]

Repealed by 1983 1st ex.s. c 46 § 190, effective January 1, 1984.


Salmon charter boats — Angler permit — Number of anglers.

[2000 c 107 § 61; 1993 c 340 § 30; 1983 1st ex.s. c 46 § 143; 1979 c 101 § 4.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.070 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Salmon charter boats — Angler permit — Total number of anglers limited — Permit transfer.

[2000 c 107 § 62; 1993 c 340 § 31; 1983 1st ex.s. c 46 § 144; 1979 c 101 § 5.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.080 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Expiration of chapter.

[1979 c 101 § 6.]

Repealed by 1981 c 202 § 2.


Commercial salmon fishing licenses and delivery licenses — Limitations — Transfer.

[2000 c 107 § 63; 1995 c 135 § 7. Prior: 1993 c 340 § 32; 1993 c 100 § 1; 1983 1st ex.s. c 46 § 146; 1979 c 135 § 1; 1977 ex.s. c 230 § 1; 1977 ex.s. c 106 § 7; 1974 ex.s. c 184 § 2. Formerly RCW 75.28.455.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.090 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Commercial salmon fishing licenses and delivery permits — Waiver of requirements due to actions by foreign government — Expiration of section.

[1986 c 198 § 1.]

Expired December 31, 1986.


Commercial salmon fishery license or salmon delivery license — Reversion to department following government confiscation of vessel.

[2000 c 107 § 64; 1993 c 340 § 33; 1986 c 198 § 2.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.100 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Dungeness crab-Puget Sound fishery license — Limitations — Qualifications.

[2000 c 107 § 65; 1999 c 151 § 1602; 1998 c 190 § 101. Prior: 1997 c 233 § 1; 1997 c 115 § 1; 1993 c 340 § 34; 1983 1st ex.s. c 46 § 147; 1982 c 157 § 1; 1980 c 133 § 4. Formerly RCW 75.28.275.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.110 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Herring fishery license — Limitations on issuance.

[2000 c 107 § 66; 1998 c 190 § 102; 1993 c 340 § 35; 1983 1st ex.s. c 46 § 148; 1974 ex.s. c 104 § 1; 1973 1st ex.s. c 173 § 4. Formerly RCW 75.28.420.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.120 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Commercial Puget Sound whiting license endorsement — Legislative findings.

[1986 c 198 § 3.]

Decodified pursuant to 1993 c 340 § 55, effective January 1, 1994.


Whiting license required in designated areas.

[1998 c 190 § 103; 1993 c 340 § 38; 1986 c 198 § 6.]

Repealed by 2000 c 107 § 125.


Whiting-Puget Sound fishery license — Limitation on issuance.

[2000 c 107 § 67; 1993 c 340 § 39; 1986 c 198 § 5.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.130 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Whiting-Puget Sound fishery license — Transferable to family members.

[2000 c 107 § 68; 1993 c 340 § 40; 1986 c 198 § 4.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.140 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Sea urchin dive fishery license — Limitation on issuance — Surcharge — Sea urchin dive fishery account — Transfer of license — Issuance of new licenses.

[1999 c 126 § 1; 1998 c 190 § 104; 1993 c 340 § 41; 1990 c 62 § 2; 1989 c 37 § 2.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.150 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Emerging commercial fishery designation — Experimental fishery permits.

[2000 c 107 § 69; 1993 c 340 § 42; 1990 c 63 § 2.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.160 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Emerging commercial fishery designation — Legislative review.

[1990 c 63 § 3.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.170 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Emerging commercial fishery — License status — Recommendations to legislature.

[1993 c 340 § 43; 1990 c 63 § 4.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.180 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Sea cucumber dive fishery license — Limitation on issuance — Surcharge — Sea cucumber dive fishery account — Transfer of license — Issuance of new licenses.

[1999 c 126 § 2; 1998 c 190 § 105; 1993 c 340 § 44; 1990 c 61 § 2.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.190 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Herring spawn on kelp fishery licenses — Number limited.

[1993 c 340 § 36; 1989 c 176 § 1. Formerly RCW 75.28.235.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.200 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Herring spawn on kelp fishery license — Auction.

[2000 c 107 § 70; 1993 c 340 § 37; 1989 c 176 § 2. Formerly RCW 75.28.245.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.210 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Geoduck fishery license — Conditions and limitations — OSHA regulations — Violations.

[2000 c 107 § 71; 1998 c 190 § 106; 1993 c 340 § 46.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.220 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Ocean pink shrimp — Delivery license — Requirements and criteria — Continuous participation.

[2000 c 107 § 72; 1998 c 190 § 107; 1993 c 376 § 5.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.230 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Ocean pink shrimp — Delivery license — Requirements and criteria — Historical participation.

[2000 c 107 § 73; 1993 c 376 § 6.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.240 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Ocean pink shrimp — Delivery license — License transfer — License suspension.

[1993 c 376 § 7.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.250 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Ocean pink shrimp — Single delivery license.

[2000 c 107 § 74; 1993 c 376 § 8.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.260 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Ocean pink shrimp — Delivery license — Reduction of landing requirement.

[2000 c 107 § 75; 1993 c 376 § 10.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.270 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Crab fishery — License required — Dungeness crab-coastal fishery license — Dungeness crab-coastal class B fishery license — Coastal crab and replacement vessel defined.

[2000 c 107 § 76; 1998 c 190 § 108; 1995 c 252 § 1; 1994 c 260 § 2.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.280 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Crab taken in offshore waters — Criteria for landing in Washington state — Limitations.

[1997 c 418 § 2; 1994 c 260 § 3.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.290 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Crab taken in offshore waters — Dungeness crab offshore delivery license — Fee.

[2000 c 107 § 77; 1994 c 260 § 4.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.300 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Transfer of Dungeness crab-coastal fishery licenses — Fee.

[2000 c 107 § 78; 1997 c 418 § 3; 1994 c 260 § 5.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.310 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Coastal crab account — Created — Revenues — Expenditures.

[2000 c 107 § 79; 1997 c 418 § 4; 1994 c 260 § 6.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.320 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Coastal crab account expenditures — Purchase of Dungeness crab-coastal class B fishery licenses.

[1994 c 260 § 7.]

Decodified pursuant to 1997 c 418 § 6.


Coastal crab account expenditures — Management of coastal crab resource.

[1994 c 260 § 8.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.330 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Criteria for nonresident Dungeness crab-coastal fishery license for Oregon residents — Section effective contingent upon reciprocal statutory authority in Oregon.

[2000 c 107 § 80; 1994 c 260 § 9.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.340 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Restrictions on designations and substitutions on Dungeness crab-coastal fishery licenses and Dungeness crab-coastal class B fishery licenses.

[1994 c 260 § 10.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.350 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Dungeness crab-coastal fishery licenses — Limitation on new licenses — Requirements for renewal.

[2000 c 107 § 81; 1994 c 260 § 13.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.360 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Limitation on taking crab in the exclusive economic zone of Oregon or California — Section effective contingent upon reciprocal legislation by both Oregon and California.

[1998 c 190 § 109; 1994 c 260 § 16.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.370 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Dungeness crab-coastal fishery licenses — Criteria for issuing new licenses.

[2000 c 107 § 82; 1994 c 260 § 17.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.380 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Reduction of landing requirements under RCW 75.30.350 — Procedure.

[2000 c 107 § 83; 1994 c 260 § 19.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.390 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Coastal Dungeness crab resource plan.

[1998 c 245 § 154; 1994 c 260 § 20.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.400 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Puget Sound shrimp fishery — Converted to limited entry fishery — Shrimp pot gear.

[2000 c 107 § 84; 1999 c 239 § 3.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.410 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.


Puget Sound shrimp fishery — Converted to limited entry fishery — Trawl gear.

[2000 c 107 § 85; 1999 c 239 § 4.]

Recodified as RCW 77.70.420 pursuant to 2000 c 107 § 132.