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WAC 388-61A-0300: What information must be in a client's file?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 388 > Chapter 388-61A > Section 388-61A-0300



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 388-61A-0300

What information must be in a client's file?

(1) You must have a written file for clients who are served by your domestic violence agency. Client files must:
(a) Include an intake that clearly documents each client's eligibility for domestic violence services.
(b) Be brief in documenting the services provided to the client.
(c) Document only sufficient information to identify the service provided, and must not include any references to service recipient feelings, emotional or psychological assessments, diagnoses, or similar subjective observations or judgments. Documentation must not include any direct quotes from the client.
(d) Include copies of all required releases and client notices.
(2) Where supportive services are provided to child/youth of clients, the domestic violence agency must:
(a) Maintain separate documentation for each child/youth that receives supportive services. Written documentation must not be included in the file of the parent/guardian.
(b) Be brief in documenting the supportive services provided to the child/youth.
(c) Document only sufficient information to identify the service provided, and must not include any references to the child/youth's feelings, emotional or psychological assessments, diagnoses, or similar subjective observations or judgments. Documentation must not include any direct quotes from the child/youth.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.123 RCW. WSR 10-22-040, § 388-61A-0300, filed 10/27/10, effective 11/27/10.]