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WAC 132K-112-011: Employment of more than one member of a family

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 132K > Chapter 132K-112 > Section 132K-112-011

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No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 132K-112-011

Employment of more than one member of a family.

The appointment of more than one member of a family in the same division or department as a permanent employee in the classified staff service requires special justification in terms of personnel requirements and the unusual qualifications of the individual. Such appointment must have the prior approval of the director and is subject to periodic review. Two persons who are related by blood ties or by marriage may not be appointed to positions where one might exert any influence or produce any consequence upon the employment of the other. In general, people who are so related may not be employed in the same division or department of the college.
[Order 12, § 132K-112-011, filed 1/8/73.]