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WAC 16-202-2005: What are the placement requirements for application tanks?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 16 > Chapter 16-202 > Section 16-202-2005



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WAC 16-202-2005

What are the placement requirements for application tanks?

Application tanks cannot be located in an area or placed in such a manner to contaminate water or to endanger human health, sensitive areas, or the environment.
(1) Application tanks should be positioned downgradient from wellheads, public waterways, off-farm irrigation supply ditches or conveyance systems, or sensitive areas.
(a) If downgradient placement is not feasible, earthen berms or other structures of sufficient design must be constructed to divert spillage, leakage, or surface flow away from such areas.
(b) An application tank cannot be placed closer than twenty feet from wellheads, public waterways, off-farm irrigation supply ditches or conveyance systems, or sensitive areas.
(c) Mixing or loading activities cannot occur within twenty feet of a sensitive area, wellhead, public waterway, off-farm irrigation supply ditch or conveyance system, and irrigation water source.
(d) Alternative technology that provides substantially equal protection such as a secondary containment facility that complies with the structural design requirements in the secondary and operational area containment rules (chapter 16-201 WAC) will fulfill the requirements in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this subsection.
(e) Overflow from an irrigation pond contaminated with product cannot enter a public waterway, off-farm irrigation supply ditch or conveyance system, or sensitive area.
(2) Application tanks must be positioned to prevent leaks, spills, or structural damage.
(a) Application tanks must be placed on a rigid, sound understructure or on stable ground to prevent tippage, spillage, puncturing, or breakage.
(b) Application tanks and the injection system must be protected against reasonably foreseeable risks of damage by implements, trucks or other moving vehicles, or objects.
(3) Application tanks should be sited as close as reasonably possible to the injection point.
(4) Tank outlet ports must be fitted with manual shutoff valves.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 15.54, 15.58, 17.21, and 34.05 RCW. WSR 01-23-018, § 16-202-2005, filed 11/9/01, effective 11/9/01.]