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WAC 246-976-960: Regional emergency medical services and trauma care councils

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 246 > Chapter 246-976 > Section 246-976-960



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WAC 246-976-960

Regional emergency medical services and trauma care councils.

(1) In addition to meeting the requirements of chapter 70.168 RCW and elsewhere in this chapter, regional EMS/TC councils must:
(a) Identify and analyze system trends to evaluate the EMS/TC system and its component subsystems, using trauma registry data provided by the department;
(b) Develop and submit to the department regional EMS/TC plans to:
(i) Identify the need for and recommend distribution and level of care (basic, intermediate or advanced life support) for verified aid and ambulance services for each response area. The recommendations will be based on criteria established by the department relating to agency response times, geography, topography, and population density;
(ii) Identify EMS/TC services and resources currently available within the region;
(iii) Describe how the roles and responsibilities of the MPD are coordinated with those of the regional EMS/TC council and the regional plan;
(iv) Describe and recommend improvements in medical control communications and EMS/TC dispatch, with at least the elements of the state communication plan described in RCW 70.168.060 (1)(h);
(v) Include a schedule for implementation.
(2) In developing or modifying its plan, the regional council must seek and consider the recommendations of:
(a) Local EMS/TC councils;
(b) EMS/TC systems established by ordinance, resolution, interlocal agreement or contract by counties, cities, or other governmental bodies.
(3) In developing or modifying its plan, the regional council must use regional and state analyses provided by the department based on trauma registry data and other appropriate sources;
(4) Approved regional plans may include standards, including response times for verified services, which exceed the requirements of this chapter.
(5) An EMS/TC provider who disagrees with the regional plan may bring its concerns to the steering committee before the department approves the plan.
(6) The regional council must adopt regional patient care procedures as part of the regional plans. In addition to meeting the requirements of RCW 18.73.030(14) and 70.168.015(23):
(a) For all emergency patients, regional patient care procedures must identify:
(i) Guidelines for rendezvous with agencies offering higher levels of service if appropriate and available, in accordance with the regional plan.
(ii) The type of facility to receive the patient, as described in regional patient destination and disposition guidelines.
(iii) Procedures to handle types and volumes of trauma that may exceed regional capabilities, taking into consideration resources available in other regions and adjacent states.
(b) For major trauma patients, regional patient care procedures must identify procedures to activate the trauma system.
(7) In areas where no local EMS/TC council exists, the regional EMS/TC council shall:
(a) Make recommendations to the department regarding appointing members to the regional EMS/TC council;
(b) Review applications for initial training classes and OTEP programs, and make recommendations to the department.
(8) Matching grants made under the provisions of chapter 70.168 RCW may include funding to:
(a) Develop, implement, and evaluate prevention programs; or
(b) Accomplish other purposes as approved by the department.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.73.081 and 70.168.120. WSR 02-14-053, § 246-976-960, filed 6/27/02, effective 7/28/02. Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.71, 18.73, and 70.168 RCW. WSR 00-08-102, § 246-976-960, filed 4/5/00, effective 5/6/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.040 and chapters 18.71, 18.73 and 70.168 RCW. WSR 93-01-148 (Order 323), § 246-976-960, filed 12/23/92, effective 1/23/93.]