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WAC 286-27-065: Are there long-term obligations for development projects?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 286 > Chapter 286-27 > Section 286-27-065



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 286-27-065

Are there long-term obligations for development projects?

Yes. (1) Properties, structures, and facilities developed with the assistance of money granted by the board shall not be converted except as provided in WAC 286-27-066. (2) Properties, structures, and facilities developed with the assistance of money granted by the board shall be built, operated, and maintained according to applicable regulations, laws, building codes, and health standards to assure a reasonably safe condition and to prevent premature deterioration. (3) Properties, structures, and facilities intended for public use shall meet state and federal accessibility guidelines and nondiscrimination laws, regulations, and policies; be maintained to a standard that encourages use; and be open and available to the public at reasonable hours and times of the year. [Statutory Authority: 2007 c 241 § 39, RCW 34.05.220, 34.05.230, 42.56.040, 79A.15.030, 79A.15.060, 79A.15.070, 79A.15.120, and 79A.15.130. WSR 14-09-074, § 286-27-065, filed 4/18/14, effective 5/19/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 79A.15.030(8), 79A.15.060(1), 79A.15.070(5), 79A.15.120(4), 79A.15.130(4). WSR 06-05-025, § 286-27-065, filed 2/7/06, effective 3/10/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.98A.060(1). WSR 98-08-014, § 286-27-065, filed 3/18/98, effective 4/18/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.98A.060(1), 43.98A.070(5), 43.99.080(2), 46.09.240(1) and 77.12.720(4). WSR 96-08-044, § 286-27-065, filed 3/29/96, effective 4/29/96.]