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WAC 308-10-065: Records Index

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 308 > Chapter 308-10 > Section 308-10-065



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WAC 308-10-065

Records index.

(1) Index. The department has available to all persons a current index which provides identifying information as to the following records issued, adopted, or promulgated since its inception:
(a) Final opinions, including concurring and dissenting opinions, as well as orders, made in the adjudication of cases;
(b) Those statements of policy and interpretations of policy, statute, and constitution which have been adopted by the agency;
(c) Administrative staff manuals and instructions to staff that affect a member of the public;
(d) Planning policies and goals, and interim and final planning decisions;
(e) Factual staff reports and studies, factual consultant's reports and studies, scientific reports and studies, and any other factual information derived from tests, studies, reports, and surveys, whether conducted by public employees or others; and
(f) Correspondence, and materials referred to therein, by and with the agency relating to any regulatory, supervisory, or enforcement responsibilities of the agency, whereby the agency determines, or opines upon, or is asked to determine or opine upon, the rights of the state, the public, a subdivision of state government, or of any private party.
(2) Availability. The current index promulgated by the department shall be available to all persons under the same rules and on the same conditions as are applied to public records available for inspection.
[Order MV 348, § 308-10-065, filed 12/24/75.]