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WAC 173-308-010: Authority And Purpose

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 173 > Chapter 173-308 > Section 173-308-010



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 173-308-010

Authority and purpose.

(1) Authority. This chapter is adopted under the authority of chapters 70.95J and 70.95 RCW.
(2) Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to protect human health and the environment when biosolids are managed.
(a) This chapter encourages the maximum beneficial use of biosolids and is intended to conform to all applicable federal rules adopted under the Federal Clean Water Act as it existed on February 4, 1987.
(b) This chapter establishes permitting requirements for treatment works treating domestic sewage that engage in applicable biosolids treatment or management practices, including any person, site, or facility that has been designated as a treatment works treating domestic sewage.
(c) This chapter establishes standards for the treatment, quality, and management of sewage sludge and septage that are directly enforceable and that allow these materials to be classified and managed as biosolids.
(d) This chapter establishes requirements, standards, management practices, and monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements that are applicable when biosolids are applied to the land and when sewage sludge is disposed in a municipal solid waste landfill unit as defined in chapter 173-351 WAC.
(e) This chapter establishes fees for permits issued to treatment works treating domestic sewage.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.95J and 70.95 RCW. WSR 07-12-010 (Order 06-06), § 173-308-010, filed 5/24/07, effective 6/24/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.95J.020 and 70.95.255. WSR 98-05-101 (Order 97-30), § 173-308-010, filed 2/18/98, effective 3/21/98.]