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WAC 296-56-60122: Access To Vessels

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 296 > Chapter 296-56 > Section 296-56-60122



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 296-56-60122

Access to vessels.

(1) Access to vessels. The employer shall not permit employees to board or leave any vessel, except a barge or river towboat, until the following requirements have been met:
(a) Whenever practical a gangway of not less than twenty inches wide walking surface of adequate strength, maintained and secured shall be used. If a gangway is not practical a substantial straight ladder, extending at least thirty-six inches above the upper landing surface and adequately secured against shifting or slipping shall be provided. When conditions are such that neither a gangway nor a straight ladder can be used, a Jacob's ladder meeting the requirements of subsection (4) of this section may be used.
(b) Each side of such gangway, and the turn table if used, shall have a railing with a minimum height of thirty-three inches measured perpendicularly from rail to walking surface at the stanchion, and a mid rail. Rails shall be of wood, pipe, chain, wire or rope and shall be kept taut at all times.
(c) Gangways on vessels inspected and certified by the United States Coast Guard are deemed to meet the foregoing requirements, except in cases where the vessel's regular gangway is not being used.
(d) The gangway shall be kept properly trimmed at all times.
(e) When a fixed tread accommodation ladder is used, and the angle is low enough to require employees to walk on the edge of the treads, cleated duckboards shall be laid over and secured to the ladder.
(f) When the lower end of a gangway overhangs the water between the ship and the dock in such a manner that there is danger of employees falling between the ship and the dock, a net or other suitable protection shall be rigged at the foot of the gangway in such a manner as to prevent employees from falling from the end of the gangway into the water or into the surface.
(g) If the foot of the gangway is more than one foot away from the edge of the apron, the space between them shall be bridged by a firm walkway equipped with railings, with a minimum height of thirty-three inches with midrails on both sides.
(h) Supporting bridles shall be kept clear so as to permit unobstructed passage for employees using the gangway.
(i) When the upper end of the means of access rests on or flush with the top of the bulwark, substantial steps properly secured and equipped with at least one substantial handrail approximately thirty-three inches in height shall be provided between the top of the bulwark and the deck.
(j) Obstructions shall not be laid on or across the gangway.
(k) The means of access shall be illuminated for its full length.
(l) Unless construction of the vessel makes it impossible, the means of access shall be so located that drafts of cargo do not pass over it. Loads shall not be passed over the means of access while employees are on it.
(2) Access to vessels in drydock or between vessels. Gangways meeting the requirements of subsection (1)(a), (b), (i), (j) and (k) of this section shall be provided for access from wingwall to vessel or, when two or more vessels other than barges or river towboats are lying abreast, from one vessel to another.
(3) Access to barges and river towboats.
(a) Ramps for access of vehicles to or between barges shall be of adequate strength, provided with side boards, well maintained and properly secured.
(b) Unless employees can step safely to or from the wharf, float, barge, or river towboat, a ramp meeting the requirements of subsection (1)(a) of this section shall be provided. When a walkway is impractical, a substantial straight ladder, extending at least thirty-six inches above the upper landing surface and adequately secured against shifting or slipping, shall be provided. When conditions are such that neither a walkway nor a straight ladder can be used, a Jacob's ladder meeting the requirements of subsection (4) of this section may be used.
(c) The means of access shall meet the requirements of subsection (1)(i), (j), and (k) of this section.
(4) Jacob's ladders.
(a) Jacob's ladders shall be of the double rung or flat tread type. They shall be well maintained and properly secured.
(b) A Jacob's ladder shall either hang without slack from its lashings or be pulled up entirely.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-03-064 (Order 86-02), § 296-56-60122, filed 1/17/86.]