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WAC 182-513-1400: Long-term care (LTC) partnership program (index)

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 182 > Chapter 182-513 > Section 182-513-1400



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WAC 182-513-1400

Long-term care (LTC) partnership program (index).

Under the long term care (LTC) partnership program, individuals who purchase qualified long-term care partnership insurance policies can apply for long-term care medicaid under special rules for determining financial eligibility. These special rules generally allow the individual to protect assets up to the insurance benefits received from a partnership policy so that such assets will not be taken into account in determining financial eligibility for long-term care medicaid and will not subsequently be subject to estate recovery for medicaid and long-term care services paid. The Washington long term care partnership program is effective on December 1, 2011.
The following rules govern long-term care eligibility under the long-term care partnership program:
(1) WAC 388-513-1405 Definitions.
(2) WAC 388-513-1410 What qualifies as a LTC partnership policy?
(3) WAC 388-513-1415 What assets can't be protected under the LTC partnership provisions?
(4) WAC 388-513-1420 Who is eligible for asset protection under a LTC partnership policy?
(5) WAC 388-513-1425 When would I not qualify for LTC medicaid if I have a LTC partnership policy that does not have exhausted benefits?
(6) WAC 388-513-1430 What change of circumstances must I report when I have a LTC partnership policy paying a portion of my care?
(7) WAC 388-513-1435 Will Washington recognize a LTC partnership policy purchased in another state?
(8) WAC 388-513-1440 How many of my assets can be protected?
(9) WAC 388-513-1445 How do I designate a protected asset and what proof is required?
(10) WAC 388-513-1450 How does transfer of assets affect LTC partnership and medicaid eligibility?
(11) WAC 388-513-1455 If I have protected assets under a LTC partnership policy, what happens after my death?
[WSR 13-01-017, recodified as § 182-513-1400, filed 12/7/12, effective 1/1/13. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, 74.09.530, section 6014 of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, WAC 284-83-140, 284-83-400, 284-83-405, 284-83-410, 284-83-415, 284-83-420, and chapter 48.83 RCW. WSR 11-23-106, § 388-513-1400, filed 11/18/11, effective 12/19/11.]