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WAC 250-60-110: Program administration and audits

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 250 > Chapter 250-60 > Section 250-60-110



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 250-60-110

Program administration and audits.

(1) The staff of the higher education coordinating board, under the direction of the executive director, will manage the administrative functions relative to this program.
(2) The board shall appoint an advisory committee comprised of representatives of eligible institutions and of other professionals in the field of education with the interest and expertise to assist board staff:
(a) In the drafting of program rules and guidelines;
(b) In the establishment of student award priorities;
(c) In setting criteria for the allotment of funds to participating institutions; and
(d) In general program oversight and administration.
(3) The higher education coordinating board will review institutional administrative practices to determine institutional compliance with rules and regulations and program guidelines. If such a review determines that an institution has failed to comply with program rules and regulations or guidelines, the board may suspend, terminate, or place conditions upon the institution's participation in the program and/or require reimbursement to the program for any funds lost or improperly expended.
(4) Any student who has obtained a mathematics/science loan through means of a wilfully false statement or failure to reveal any material fact, condition, or circumstance affecting eligibility will be subject to applicable civil or criminal penalties.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.15.760. WSR 88-10-003 (Order 4/88, Resolution No. 88-11), § 250-60-110, filed 4/21/88. Statutory Authority: 1983 1st ex.s. c 74. WSR 83-24-078 (Order 6-83, Resolution No. 84-9), § 250-60-110, filed 12/7/83.]