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WAC 208-12-070: Procedure to request public records

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 208 > Chapter 208-12 > Section 208-12-070



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WAC 208-12-070

Procedure to request public records.

(1) Members of the public may inspect, copy or obtain copies of public records by making a request on the public records request form prescribed by the division holding the record. The form is available at the administrative office and should be given or mailed to the appropriate division. The request shall include the following information:
(a) The name of the person requesting the records;
(b) The date and time of day on which the request was made;
(c) The nature of the request;
(d) If the record requested is referenced within the index, a reference to the requested record as it is described in the index; and
(e) If the requested matter is not identifiable by reference to the index, an appropriate description of the record requested.
(2) The staff person to whom the request is made will assist in identifying the public record requested.
(3) The department may inquire about the reason for a request for a list of individuals to determine whether the list will be used for commercial purposes.
(4) All requests for public records will be acknowledged within five working days after receipt with:
(a) The information requested;
(b) An estimated time required to respond to the request; or
(c) A denial of the request.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.320.040 and 42.17.250. WSR 96-14-082, § 208-12-070, filed 7/1/96, effective 8/1/96.]