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WAC 332-08-001: Purpose And Scope

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 332 > Chapter 332-08 > Section 332-08-001

Beginning of Chapter    


Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 332-08-001

Purpose and scope.

(1) What do these rules do? The department's practices and procedures rules, set out in this chapter, govern the method, time and place for challenging department actions and the procedures for conducting an adjudicative proceeding of that challenge.
(2) Do these rules govern my issue? Generally, these rules apply if you are challenging a department determination regarding:
(a) Derelict vessels (chapter 79.100 RCW);
(b) Forest practices notices to comply (chapter 76.09 RCW);
(c) Oil and gas drilling (chapter 78.52 RCW);
(d) Surface mining (chapter 78.44 RCW);
(e) Other department determinations that are not proprietary and do not fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of separate quasi-judicial boards, such as the forest practices appeals board.
(3) How are these rules organized? This chapter contains provisions for all reviews (adjudicative proceedings) heard by the department or the office of administrative hearings on the department's behalf. WAC 332-08-101 through 332-08-610 contain specific procedures for adjudicative proceedings and are divided by subject matter. Subject-specific sections apply to the following topics:
(a) Derelict vessels—Part II;
(b) Forest practices notices to comply—Part III;
(c) Oil and gas drilling—Part IV;
(d) Surface mining—Part V; and
(e) Other department determinations that are not proprietary and fall within the direct review authority of the department—Part VI.
(4) When reviewing these rules, one should review the general provisions under Part I and the specific rules contained in Parts II through VI that relate to the applicable subject matter.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.220. WSR 08-16-095, § 332-08-001, filed 8/5/08, effective 9/5/08.]