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WAC 137-30-050: Persistent prison misbehavior

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 137 > Chapter 137-30 > Section 137-30-050



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 137-30-050

Persistent prison misbehavior.

(1) An offender serving a sentence for an offense committed after July 31, 1995, may have his/her earned time credits taken away as part of a disciplinary sanction, when he/she has lost all good conduct time credits for the current commitment.
(2) Offenders serving a sentence for an offense committed after July 31, 1995, who have a record of being a persistent management/disciplinary problem may also have earned time credits taken away.
(3) Earned or future ERT credits may be reduced for offenders serving a sentence for an offense committed after July 31, 1995.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 72.09.130, 72.01.090, and 9.95.070. WSR 11-11-018, § 137-30-050, filed 5/9/11, effective 6/9/11.]