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WAC 468-70-040: Interchange and intersection selection for motorist information sign panels

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 468 > Chapter 468-70 > Section 468-70-040



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 468-70-040

Interchange and intersection selection for motorist information sign panels.

(1) On an interstate or noninterstate highway the interchange or intersection must:
(a) For interchanges, consist of both an exit and entrance ramp. However, where there is no entrance ramp, the department may determine that another entrance ramp may qualify for motorist information sign panels, provided that it is conveniently located, to permit a motorist to proceed without the use of indirect or poor connecting roads.
(b) For intersections, provide a reasonable and convenient route, in the determination of the department, to permit a motorist to proceed without the use of indirect or poor connecting roads.
(2) Motorist information sign panels may be erected at locations outside the corporate limits of cities and towns and areas zoned for commercial and industrial uses, and at locations within the corporate limits of cities and towns and areas zoned for commercial and industrial uses, where there is sufficient distance between interchanges or intersections to erect the signs in accordance with WAC 468-70-030 (1)(a) and (b). Where there is insufficient space available to install an array of four of the gas, food, lodging, camping/recreation, TOD's, and twenty-four-hour pharmacy panels, the number of panels allowable are normally provided in that order of priority, or as combined panels in accordance with WAC 468-70-030 (1)(c), except that regional administrators may negotiate a revised priority at interchange/intersection locations with local officials. If there is no business interest in signing for any one activity at a location, and space allows, the next lower priority activity can be signed.
(3) Signing will be provided from the nearest interchange or intersection from the nearest freeway/expressway or conventional highway to the activity. Signing will not be provided from a freeway or expressway to another freeway or expressway.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.36.030, 47.36.310, and 47.36.320. WSR 06-15-018, § 468-70-040, filed 7/7/06, effective 8/7/06. Statutory Authority: Chapter 34.05 RCW and RCW 47.42.060. WSR 00-01-184 (Order 196), § 468-70-040, filed 12/22/99, effective 1/22/00. Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.42 RCW. WSR 86-08-023 (Order 103), § 468-70-040, filed 3/25/86; WSR 85-17-012 (Order 96), § 468-70-040, filed 8/12/85. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-70-040, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-42-030.]