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WAC 296-823-16025: Provide information to the health care professional evaluating the employee

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 296 > Chapter 296-823 > Section 296-823-16025



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 296-823-16025

Provide information to the health care professional evaluating the employee.

You must provide ALL of the following information to the health care professional evaluating an employee after an exposure incident: (1) A copy of WAC 296-823-160; (2) A description of the job duties the exposed employee was performing when exposed; (3) Documentation of the routes of exposure and circumstances under which exposure occurred; (4) Results of the source person's blood testing, if available; (5) All medical records that you are responsible to maintain, including vaccination status, relevant to the appropriate treatment of the employee.

Requirements for the health care professional's written opinion for hepatitis B vaccinations can be found in WAC 296-823-13010.

You may meet the requirement to provide a copy of WAC 296-823-160 to the health care professional by giving them the, as long as their office has a computer and access to the labor and industries' web site.

[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050. WSR 15-23-086, § 296-823-16025, filed 11/17/15, effective 12/18/15. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, and 49.17.060. WSR 04-12-070, § 296-823-16025, filed 6/1/04, effective 9/1/04; WSR 03-09-110, § 296-823-16025, filed 4/22/03, effective 8/1/03.]