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WAC 284-17-578: Reinstatement of approval of a prelicensing insurance education provider

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 284 > Chapter 284-17 > Section 284-17-578



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 284-17-578

Reinstatement of approval of a prelicensing insurance education provider.

(1) Reinstatement of a suspended or revoked approval may be made by the commissioner only after acceptance of satisfactory proof that the conditions responsible for the suspension or revocation have been successfully corrected and the possibility of reoccurrence of the violation has been eliminated.
(2) Reinstatement is at the sole discretion of the commissioner.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 48.02.060, 48.17.005. WSR 09-02-073 (Matter No. R 2008-06), § 284-17-578, filed 1/6/09, effective 7/1/09.]