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WAC 308-15-075: When Do I Need To Use My Stamp/seal?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 308 > Chapter 308-15 > Section 308-15-075



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 308-15-075

When do I need to use my stamp/seal?

(1) You must stamp/seal, sign, and date every final geology or specialty geology report, letter report, or document that is prepared by you or prepared under your supervision or direction and submitted to other parties.
(a) All figures, maps, and plates bound within final reports or documents do not need to be individually stamped/sealed, signed and dated. Unbound final figures, maps, and plates must be individually stamped/sealed, signed and dated.
(b) Draft geology or specialty geology work does not have to be stamped/sealed, but the documents and all associated figures, maps, and plates must be clearly marked as draft.
(2) You must stamp/seal, sign, and date every final geology or specialty geology design and specification that is prepared by you or prepared under your supervision or direction. Draft geology or specialty geology design and specification drawings do not have to be stamped/sealed, but each design and specification must be clearly marked as draft.
(3) If you stamp/seal, sign and date work performed by someone other than yourself, you are responsible to the same extent as if you prepared the report, design or specification.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.220.040. WSR 07-13-038, § 308-15-075, filed 6/13/07, effective 7/14/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.220.040, 18.220.050. WSR 05-01-174, § 308-15-075, filed 12/21/04, effective 1/21/05. Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.220 RCW. WSR 01-12-023, § 308-15-075, filed 5/25/01, effective 6/25/01.]