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Chapter 85.06.323 Rcw Dispositions: Drainage Districts And Miscellaneous Drainage Provisions

Published: 2015

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RCWs > Dispositions > Title 85 > Chapter 85.06

Chapter 85.06.323 RCW Dispositions




Petition — Contents — Bond.

[1913 c 86 § 1; 1895 c 115 § 2; RRS § 4299. Formerly RCW 85.04.010, part.]

Repealed by 1985 c 396 § 87.


Petition to be published — Hearing — Fixing of boundaries — Findings of commissioners.

[1913 c 86 § 2; 1905 c 175 § 1; 1895 c 115 § 3; RRS § 4300. Formerly RCW 85.04.015, part and 85.04.020, part.]

Repealed by 1985 c 396 § 87.


Election to organize district — Notice — Purpose — Election officers — Commissioners — Costs.

[1895 c 115 § 4; RRS § 4301. Formerly RCW 85.04.025, part.]

Repealed by 1985 c 396 § 87.


Election to organize district — Date — Conduct — Qualification of voters — Canvass — Order — Election of commissioners, bond.

[1941 c 183 § 1; 1909 c 143 § 1; 1895 c 115 § 5; RRS § 4302. Formerly RCW 85.04.030, part.]

Repealed by 1985 c 396 § 87.


Election of district commissioners — Terms of office.

Cross-reference section, decodified August 1985.


Tax to pay cost on dismissal — Sale of real estate.

[1895 c 115 § 17; RRS § 4317. Formerly RCW 85.04.075, part.]

Repealed by 1986 c 278 § 46.


District bonds — Issuance — Date payable — Funding warrants and obligations — No sale under par.

[1983 c 167 § 184; 1895 c 115 § 26; RRS § 4326. Formerly RCW 85.04.125, part.]

Repealed by 1986 c 278 § 46.


District bonds — Form, term, execution, interest.

[1983 c 167 § 185; 1970 ex.s. c 56 § 89; 1969 ex.s. c 232 § 51; 1895 c 115 § 27; RRS § 4327. Formerly RCW 85.04.130, part.]

Repealed by 1986 c 278 § 46.


District bonds — Exchange for warrants.

[1895 c 115 § 28; RRS § 4328. Formerly RCW 85.04.125, part.]

Repealed by 1986 c 278 § 46.


District bonds — Assessment to liquidate.

[1895 c 115 § 29; RRS § 4329. Formerly RCW 85.04.160, part.]

Repealed by 1986 c 278 § 46.


District bonds — Call and payment — Duty of treasurer.

[1895 c 115 § 30; RRS § 4330. Formerly RCW 85.04.135, part.]

Repealed by 1986 c 278 § 46.


District bonds — Assessment to pay principal and interest.

[1983 c 167 § 186; 1895 c 115 § 31; RRS § 4331. Formerly RCW 85.04.160, part.]

Repealed by 1986 c 278 § 46.


District bonds — Registry.

[1895 c 115 § 32; RRS § 4332. Formerly RCW 85.04.155, part.]

Repealed by 1983 c 167 § 270.


Refunding bonds — Form, term, interest, etc.

[1983 c 167 § 187; 1970 ex.s. c 56 § 90; 1969 ex.s. c 232 § 52; 1927 c 174 § 1, part; RRS § 4332a. Formerly RCW 85.04.665.]

Repealed by 1986 c 278 § 46.


Refunding bonds — Levy.

[1927 c 174 § 1, part; RRS § 4332b. Formerly RCW 85.04.670.]

Repealed by 1986 c 278 § 46.


Refunding bonds — Notice of levy.

[1927 c 174 § 1, part; RRS § 4332c. Formerly RCW 85.04.675.]

Repealed by 1986 c 278 § 46.


Refunding bonds — Payment of assessment.

[1981 c 156 § 22; 1927 c 174 § 1, part; RRS § 4332d. Formerly RCW 85.04.680.]

Repealed by 1986 c 278 § 46.


Refunding bonds — Execution, sale and exchange — Redemption with money from levy and sale.

[1927 c 174 § 1, part; RRS § 4332e. Formerly RCW 85.04.685.]

Repealed by 1986 c 278 § 46.


Refunding bonds — Payment of principal and interest.

[1927 c 174 § 1, part; RRS § 4332f. Formerly RCW 85.04.690.]

Repealed by 1986 c 278 § 46.


Refunding bonds — Proceeds to treasurer — Exchange procedure.

[1983 c 167 § 188; 1927 c 174 § 1, part; RRS § 4332g. Formerly RCW 85.04.695.]

Repealed by 1986 c 278 § 46.


Refunding bonds — Assessment roll — Delinquency — Foreclosure.

[1927 c 174 § 1, part; RRS § 4332h. Formerly RCW 85.04.700.]

Repealed by 1986 c 278 § 46.


Surplus to maintenance fund.

[1927 c 174 § 1, part; RRS § 4332i. Formerly RCW 85.04.705.]

Repealed by 1986 c 278 § 46.


Annexation of territory.

[1913 c 42 § 1; RRS § 4343. Formerly RCW 85.04.655, part.]

Repealed by 1986 c 278 § 47.


Annexation of territory — Petition — Election.

[1913 c 42 § 2; RRS § 4344. Formerly RCW 85.04.655, part.]

Repealed by 1986 c 278 § 47.


Annexation of territory — Election officers.

[1913 c 42 § 3; RRS § 4345. Formerly RCW 85.04.655, part.]

Repealed by 1986 c 278 § 47.


Annexation of territory — Election returns — Certification of result — Liability of annexed territory.

[1913 c 42 § 4; RRS § 4346. Formerly RCW 85.04.660.]

Repealed by 1986 c 278 § 47.