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WAC 286-04-010: Definitions

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 286 > Chapter 286-04 > Section 286-04-010

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WAC 286-04-010


For purposes of Title 286 WAC, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise the following definitions apply: (1) "Acquisition" means the purchase or donation of fee or less than fee interests in real property. These interests include, but are not limited to, conservation easements, access or trail easements, covenants, water rights, leases, and mineral rights. (2) "Agreement" or "project agreement" means the accord accepted by the office and the sponsor for the project and includes any supplemental agreements, any amendments to the agreement and any intergovernmental agreements. (3) "Applicant" means any party that meets qualifying standards, including deadlines, for submission of an application soliciting a grant of funds from the board. (4) "Application" means the documents and other materials that an applicant submits to the office to support the applicant's request for grant funds. (5) "Board" means the recreation and conservation funding board as described in RCW 79A.25.110. (6) "Chair" means the chair of the board as described in RCW 79A.25.110. (7) "Development project" means a project that results in the construction of or work resulting in new elements including, but not limited to, structures, facilities and materials to enhance outdoor recreation resources. (8) "Director" means the director of the office or that person's designee as described in RCW 79A.25.150. (9) "Education and enforcement project" means a project that provides information, education, and outreach programs; encourages responsible recreational behaviors; and may provide law enforcement for the benefit of outdoor recreationists. (10) "Education project" means a project that provides information, education, and outreach programs for the benefit of outdoor recreationists. (11) "Maintenance project" means a project that maintains existing areas and facilities through repairs and upkeep for the benefit of outdoor recreationists. (12) "Maintenance and operation project" means a project that maintains existing areas and facilities through repairs, upkeep, and routine servicing for the benefit of outdoor recreationists. (13) "Manual(s)" means a compilation of state and federal laws; board rules, policies, and procedures; and director procedures, forms, and instructions assembled in manual form for dissemination to parties that participate in the board's or office's grant program(s). (14) "Match" or "matching share" means the portion of the total project cost in the project agreement provided by the project sponsor. (15) "Office" means the recreation and conservation office as described in RCW 79A.25.010. (16) "Planning project" means a project that results in one or more of the following: A study, a plan, construction plans and specifications, and permits to increase the availability of outdoor recreational resources. (17) "Preagreement cost" means a project cost incurred before the period of performance identified in an agreement. (18) "Project" means the undertaking which is, or may be, funded in whole or in part with funds administered by the office on behalf of the board. (19) "Reimbursement" means the payment of funds from the office to the sponsor for eligible and allowable project costs that have already been paid by the sponsor per the terms of an agreement. (20) "Renovation project" means a project that improves an existing site or structure in order to increase its service life or functions. (21) "Restoration project" means a project that brings a site back to its historic function as part of a natural ecosystem or improving the ecological functionality of the site. (22) "Sponsor" means an eligible applicant who has been awarded a grant of funds and is bound by an executed agreement; includes its officers, employees, agents, and successors. [Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.220, 42.56.040, 46.09.530, 79A.15.030, 79A.15.060, 79A.15.070, 79A.15.120, 79A.15.130, and 79A.25.210. WSR 15-15-072, § 286-04-010, filed 7/13/15, effective 8/13/15. Statutory Authority: 2007 c 241 § 39, RCW 34.05.220, 34.05.230, and 42.56.040. WSR 14-09-074, § 286-04-010, filed 4/18/14, effective 5/19/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 79.90.245, 2004 c 276 and RCW 46.09.240. WSR 05-01-030, § 286-04-010, filed 12/3/04, effective 1/3/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.99.080(2) and 46.09.240(1). WSR 98-08-014, § 286-04-010, filed 3/18/98, effective 4/18/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.98A.060(1), 43.98A.070(5), 43.99.080(2), 46.09.240(1) and 77.12.720(4). WSR 96-08-044, § 286-04-010, filed 3/29/96, effective 4/29/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.98A.060(1), [43.98A].070(5), 43.99.080, 46.09.240 and 77.12.720. WSR 94-17-095, § 286-04-010, filed 8/17/94, effective 9/17/94. Statutory Authority: Chapter 43.99 RCW. WSR 86-23-038 (Order 86-2), § 286-04-010, filed 11/17/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.99.010, 43.99.110, 43.99.080, 43.99.120, 43.99.060, 42.17.370, 46.09.020, 46.09.170 and 46.09.240. WSR 83-01-030 (Order IAC 82-1), § 286-04-010, filed 12/8/82. Statutory Authority: Chapter 43.99 RCW. WSR 79-09-124 (Order 79-1), § 286-04-010, filed 9/5/79; Order 3, § 286-04-010, filed 7/31/73; Order 1, § 286-04-010, filed 12/10/71.]