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WAC 392-126-430: Application process-Waivers from rules and regulations

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 392 > Chapter 392-126 > Section 392-126-430



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WAC 392-126-430

Application process—Waivers from rules and regulations.

The superintendent of public instruction may grant waivers for five years from rules and regulations if they meet the following conditions:
(1) That the rules and regulations have been adopted by the superintendent of public instruction pursuant to express statutory authority;
(2) That waiving the rules will not affect the health, safety, or civil rights of students, parents, or staff; and
(3) That the request for waiver has been expressly stated in the cooperative partnership application.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.100.090(1). WSR 90-01-140 (Order 23), § 392-126-430, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90.]