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WAC 246-888-030: How is self-administration with assistance initiated in a community-based care setting or an in-home setting?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 246 > Chapter 246-888 > Section 246-888-030



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 246-888-030

How is self-administration with assistance initiated in a community-based care setting or an in-home setting?

An individual/resident who resides in a community-based care setting or an in-home setting or his or her representative may request self-administration with assistance. A nonpractitioner may help in the preparation of legend drugs and controlled substances for self-administration where a practitioner has determined and communicated orally or by written direction that such medication preparation assistance is necessary and appropriate.
No additional separate assessment or documentation of the needs of the individual/resident are required in order to initiate self-administration with assistance. It is recommended that providers document their decision making process in the health record of the individual or resident health record.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 69.41 RCW, RCW 18.64.005. WSR 04-18-095, § 246-888-030, filed 9/1/04, effective 10/2/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.64.005 and 69.41.085. WSR 00-01-123, § 246-888-030, filed 12/17/99, effective 1/17/00.]