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WAC 292-100-080: Investigation procedures-Subpoenas

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 292 > Chapter 292-100 > Section 292-100-080



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 292-100-080

Investigation procedures—Subpoenas.

(1) During the course of an investigation, the board, a board member, or the executive director, may issue a subpoena directed to any person who is likely to possess information which is relevant and material to the investigation. The subpoena shall:
(a) Specifically describe the information which is sought, and
(b) Require the production of information at a reasonable place and time, but no later than ten days from the date it is served, and
(c) Notify the person that if the information is not produced, the board will apply to the superior court for an appropriate order or other remedy. The subpoena may be personally delivered or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested.
(2) The board may issue a subpoena under RCW 42.52.390 to compel persons to appear and give testimony and may require the production of any books, papers, correspondence, memorandums or other documents which the board deems relevant and material.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 42.52.360 (2)(b) and 42.52.425. WSR 01-13-033, § 292-100-080, filed 6/13/01, effective 7/14/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 42.52.360 (2)(b). WSR 99-06-073, § 292-100-080, filed 3/2/99, effective 4/2/99. Statutory Authority: Chapter 42.52 RCW and RCW 42.52.360 (2)(b). WSR 96-22-028, § 292-100-080, filed 10/30/96, effective 11/30/96.]