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WAC 132I-168A-010: Purpose Of The Library

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 132I > Chapter 132I-168A > Section 132I-168A-010

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WAC 132I-168A-010

Purpose of the library.

(1) Highline College library, through its role of supporting free expression and free access to ideas, assists the college in achieving the college's mission of superior education for its diverse community. The library provides both on-site and remote access to information and knowledge. The library endeavors to provide access to books and other materials of value for their wide range of information, interest, viewpoints and enlightenment on the problems and issues of our times. Just as the library's doors remain open to all individuals, regardless of age, ability, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, national origin or socio-political views, so the library's collection remains open to all material regardless of author's age, ability, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, national origin or socio-political viewpoint. Further, Highline College library, as part of an educational institution in a democratic society, perceives itself as challenger to all attempts at censorship and/or proscription of views of either patron or creator. (2) The library maintains, and makes available to all users, written policies and procedures on: (a) Collection development; (b) Hours of service; (c) Circulation periods; (d) Availability of resources; (e) Borrowing and access; (f) Fees; (g) Consideration and complaint processes; and (h) Protection of library records. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 34.05 RCW et seq. and RCW 28B.50140 [28B.50.140] (10) and (13). WSR 14-21-063, § 132I-168A-010, filed 10/9/14, effective 11/9/14. Statutory Authority: Chapter 34.05 RCW et seq. and RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 04-23-044, § 132I-168A-010, filed 11/12/04, effective 12/13/04; Order 012, § 132I-168-010 (codified as WAC 132I-168A-010), filed 10/31/75.]