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WAC 173-182-350: Documenting compliance with the planning standards

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 173 > Chapter 173-182 > Section 173-182-350



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 173-182-350

Documenting compliance with the planning standards.

The plan holder shall describe how the planning standards found in this chapter are met.
(1) Each plan shall provide a spreadsheet on the resources intended to meet the planning standards as described in this chapter. This spreadsheet shall account for boom, recovery systems, storage, and personnel by type, quantity, home base and provider.
(2) Ecology will analyze the planning standard spreadsheet provided to determine whether the plan holder has access to equipment and personnel necessary to meet the planning standards.
(3) For purposes of determining plan adequacy, plan holders will include time for notification and mobilization of equipment and personnel. The time needed for a resource to move to the spill site is the sum of the notification, mobilization, and travel times. For dedicated resources owned by the plan holder, the mobilization planning factor to be used by the plan holder, PRC and ecology is thirty minutes. For all other dedicated response equipment the mobilization planning factor is one hour. Nondedicated resources shall have a mobilization planning factor of three hours or the time specified in the letter of intent, mutual aid agreement or contract.
(4) Equipment travel speeds shall be computed using a speed of thirty-five miles per hour for land and five knots for water. Ecology may use geographic information systems (GIS), standard nautical charts, street maps and available online mapping programs to determine the length of time it will take equipment to cover a given distance.
(5) Plan holders may request approval for alternative notification, mobilization, and travel time by providing documentation to justify the request, such as actual performance during spills or unannounced drills.
(a) The request shall include date and time of performance or test, under average or typical weather/sea state conditions and transportation information.
(b) If ecology accepts these alternative response times, then these response times will be tested in unannounced drills or spills to verify alternative calculations.
(c) If ecology grants plan holder or PRC owned response equipment an alternative mobilization, transit speed, recovery or storage volume, through the plan review process, and the alternative is not demonstrated to the satisfaction of the department during a drill or spill, it may result in disapproving the alternative.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 88.46, 90.48, 90.56 RCW, and 2011 c 122. WSR 13-01-054 (Order 11-06), § 173-182-350, filed 12/14/12, effective 1/14/13. Statutory Authority: Chapters 88.46, 90.56, and 90.48 RCW. WSR 06-20-035 (Order 00-03), § 173-182-350, filed 9/25/06, effective 10/26/06.]