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WAC 326-30-061: Effect of decertification, after commencement of work, on counting participation

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 326 > Chapter 326-30 > Section 326-30-061



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WAC 326-30-061

Effect of decertification, after commencement of work, on counting participation.

(1) Where a certified business is decertified after it has begun work on a contract, for reasons other than having exceeded the size standard, only the dollar value of expenditures to the business made prior to the date of decertification plus sixty days will be counted toward the agency's or educational institution's overall annual goal attainment.
(2) Where a certified business is decertified because it was found to exceed the size standard after it has begun work on a contract, the dollar value of all expenditures to the business for work which constitutes a commercially useful function until the completion of that contract will be counted toward the agency's or educational institution's overall annual goal attainment.
(3) Where a certified business is decertified pursuant to WAC 326-20-173, i.e., because of the owner's death or disability, the dollar value of all expenditures to the business prior to the date of decertification plus sixty days will be counted toward the agency's or educational institution's overall annual goal attainment: Provided, That the business performed a commercially useful function in the contract.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 39.19.030(7). WSR 92-20-124, § 326-30-061, filed 10/7/92, effective 11/7/92.]