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WAC 220-88E-040: Hagfish pot trial fishery-Logbook required

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 220 > Chapter 220-88E > Section 220-88E-040


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WAC 220-88E-040

Hagfish pot trial fishery—Logbook required.

It is unlawful for a participant in the hagfish pot trial fishery to fail to maintain and submit a legible, accurate, and complete harvest log for all hagfish fishing activity. Logs will be submitted such that the department receives them no later than the tenth day following the end of each calendar month. Participants in the hagfish pot trial fishery must use a Hagfish Harvest Logbook provided by the department to record all of their hagfish fishing activity. Failure to submit logbook information may result in revocation of a participant's hagfish pot trial fishery permit.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. WSR 09-14-031, § 220-88E-040, filed 6/24/09, effective 7/25/09; WSR 05-21-067 (Order 05-245), § 220-88E-040, filed 10/14/05, effective 11/14/05.]