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WAC 246-919-861: Consultation-Exemptions for exigent and special circumstances

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 246 > Chapter 246-919 > Section 246-919-861



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 246-919-861

Consultation—Exemptions for exigent and special circumstances.

A physician is not required to consult with a pain management specialist as described in WAC 246-919-863 when he or she has documented adherence to all standards of practice as defined in WAC 246-919-850 through 246-919-863 and when any one or more of the following conditions apply:
(1) The patient is following a tapering schedule;
(2) The patient requires treatment for acute pain which may or may not include hospitalization, requiring a temporary escalation in opioid dosage, with expected return to or below their baseline dosage level; or
(3) The physician documents reasonable attempts to obtain a consultation with a pain management specialist and the circumstances justifying prescribing above one hundred twenty milligrams morphine equivalent dose (MED) per day without first obtaining a consultation; or
(4) The physician documents the patient's pain and function is stable and the patient is on a nonescalating dosage of opioids.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.71.450, 18.71A.100, 18.71.017, and 18.71A.020. WSR 11-12-025, § 246-919-861, filed 5/24/11, effective 1/2/12.]