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WAC 246-840-510: Approval of initial (new) nursing education programs

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 246 > Chapter 246-840 > Section 246-840-510



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 246-840-510

Approval of initial (new) nursing education programs.

(1) Application for program development. A postsecondary educational institution wishing to establish a program in nursing shall seek nursing commission approval to begin the process in the following manner:
(a) Submit to the commission a statement of intent to establish a nursing education program on a form provided by the commission, and a completed feasibility study that includes at least the following information:
(i) Nursing studies documenting the need for entry level nurses in the area;
(ii) Purposes and classification of the program;
(iii) Availability of qualified faculty;
(iv) Budgeted faculty positions;
(v) Availability of adequate clinical facilities for the program;
(vi) Availability of adequate academic facilities for the program;
(vii) Potential effect on other nursing programs in the area;
(viii) Evidence of financial resources adequate for the planning, implementation, and continuation of the program;
(ix) Anticipated student population; and
(x) Tentative time schedule for planning and initiating the program.
(b) Respond to the commission's request(s) for additional information.
(c) Receive or be denied nursing commission approval for program development.
(2) Program development. Upon approval for program development, the educational institution shall:
(a) Appoint a qualified nurse administrator and provide appropriate resources, consultants, and faculty to develop a proposed nursing education program.
(b) Prior to admission of students and with sufficient time for commission review, submit the proposed program plan that includes all of the following:
(i) Purpose and outcomes;
(ii) Organization and administration including the nurse administrator;
(iii) Resources, facilities, and services;
(iv) Policies and procedures for student selection, admission, progression, withdrawal and graduation, and record system;
(v) A plan for hiring and retaining faculty, including qualifications, responsibilities, organizational structure, and faculty/student ratio;
(vi) Curriculum, including course descriptions and course outlines;
(vii) Initial year and five-year sustaining budget;
(viii) Projected plans for the orderly expansion and ongoing evaluation of the program.
(c) Arrange a survey visit to the campus to clarify and amplify materials included in the written proposed program plan. The visit will be conducted by a representative of the commission before a decision regarding approval is rendered.
(d) Receive or be denied initial approval of the proposed nursing program.
(3) Initial approval.
(a) The program may only admit students if it has received initial approval by the commission;
(b) The school shall submit progress reports as requested by the commission; and
(c) Survey visits shall be scheduled as deemed necessary by the commission during the period of initial approval. A site survey, conducted by the commission, will determine whether graduates may test for the licensure examination (NCLEX)®.
(4) Full approval.
(a) A self-evaluation report of compliance with the standards for nursing education as identified in WAC 246-840-550 through 246-840-575, shall be submitted to the nursing commission within six months following graduation of the first class.
(b) The commission may conduct a survey visit to determine full approval of the program.
(c) The commission will review the self-evaluation report, survey reports and program outcome data in order to grant or deny full approval of the nursing education program under WAC 246-840-530(1).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.79.110 and 18.79.150. WSR 05-12-058, § 246-840-510, filed 5/26/05, effective 6/26/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.79.110. WSR 95-21-072, § 246-840-510, filed 10/16/95, effective 11/16/95.]