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WAC 132M-108-030: Procedure for closing parts of the hearings

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 132M > Chapter 132M-108 > Section 132M-108-030



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WAC 132M-108-030

Procedure for closing parts of the hearings.

A party may apply for a protective order to close part of a hearing. The party making the request should state the reasons for making the application to the presiding officer. If the other party opposes the request, a written response to the request shall be made within ten days of the request to the presiding officer. The presiding officer shall determine which, if any, parts of the proceeding shall be closed and state the reasons thereof in writing within twenty days of receiving the request.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 92-09-005, § 132M-108-030, filed 4/2/92, effective 5/3/92.]