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RCW 79A.60.280: Liability for excessive or negligent use

Published: 2015

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RCWs > Title 79A > Chapter 79A.60 > Section 79A.60.280



RCW 79A.60.280

Liability for excessive or negligent use.

In case the taker-up shall use the vessel, more than is necessary to put it into a place of safety, he or she shall be liable to the owner for such use, and for all damage; and in case it shall suffer injury from his or her neglect to take suitable care of it, he or she shall be liable to the owner for all damage.
[1993 c 244 § 24; Code 1881 § 3247, part; 1854 p 387 § 6; RRS § 9896, part. FORMER PART OF SECTION: Code 1881 § 3247, part. Now codified as RCW 88.20.070. Formerly RCW 88.12.222, 88.12.210, and 88.20.060.]


Intent—1993 c 244: See note following RCW 79A.60.010.