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WAC 250-71-025: Counseling and guidance services

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 250 > Chapter 250-71 > Section 250-71-025



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 250-71-025

Counseling and guidance services.

Institutions shall ensure that all counseling and guidance services are made available to all students without regard to gender, including:
(1) That counseling and academic advising personnel stress access to all career and vocational opportunities to all students;
(2) That materials, assessment instruments, and techniques used encourage students to participate in academic programs and other activities on individual rather than gender-based factors;
(3) That assessment instruments intended to measure aptitude, interest, personality, emotional stability, or other characteristics, the interpretation of those instruments, and the counseling staff do not discriminate on the basis of gender.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.110 RCW. WSR 90-24-023, § 250-71-025, filed 11/29/90, effective 12/30/90.]