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WAC 296-307-45535: Prevent static electricity sparks or arcs when adding liquids to a dip tank

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 296 > Chapter 296-307 > Section 296-307-45535



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 296-307-45535

Prevent static electricity sparks or arcs when adding liquids to a dip tank.

You must:
• Make sure any portable container used to add liquid to the tank is:
– Electrically bonded to the dip tank
– Positively grounded.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, and 49.17.060. WSR 03-10-068, § 296-307-45535, filed 5/6/03, effective 8/1/03.]