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WAC 326-02-040: Prohibited activities with regard to chapter 39.19 RCW

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 326 > Chapter 326-02 > Section 326-02-040



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 326-02-040

Prohibited activities with regard to chapter 39.19 RCW.

(1) RCW 39.19.080 makes it unlawful for a person, firm, corporation, business, union, or other organization to:
(a) Prevent or interfere with a contractor's or subcontractor's compliance with this chapter, or any rule adopted under this chapter;
(b) Submit false or fraudulent information to the state concerning compliance with this chapter or any such rule;
(c) Fraudulently obtain, retain, attempt to obtain or retain, or aid another in fraudulently obtaining or retaining or attempting to obtain or retain certification as a minority, women, or socially and economically disadvantaged individual's business enterprise for the purpose of this chapter;
(d) Knowingly make a false statement, whether by affidavit, verified statement, report, or other representation, to a state official or employee for the purpose of influencing the certification or denial of certification of any entity as a minority, women, or socially and economically disadvantaged individual's business enterprise;
(e) Knowingly obstruct, impede, or attempt to obstruct or impede any state official or employee who is investigating the qualification of a business entity that has requested certification as a minority, women, or socially and economically disadvantaged individual's business enterprise;
(f) Fraudulently obtain, attempt to obtain, or aid another person in fraudulently obtaining or attempting to obtain public moneys to which the person is not entitled under this chapter;
(g) Knowingly make false statements that any entity is or is not certified as a minority, women, or socially and economically disadvantaged individual's business enterprise for purposes of obtaining a contract governed by this chapter;
(h) To fail or refuse to comply with any provision of chapter 39.19 RCW or with a contract requirement established under this chapter.
(2) A certified business engages in prohibited activity when it fails to perform a commercially useful function on any public-sector contract or procurement. Failure to perform a commercially useful function occurs when a business:
(a) Functions as a conduit; or
(b) Functions as a pass-through; except brokers and firms operating in industries where such activity is common industry practice, e.g., insurance or real estate.
(3) A business that is deemed to be a switch business is also deemed to have engaged in prohibited activity.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 39.19.030 and 39.19.120. WSR 04-08-093, § 326-02-040, filed 4/6/04, effective 5/7/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 39.19.030(7). WSR 92-11-007, § 326-02-040, filed 5/11/92, effective 6/11/92. Statutory Authority: Chapter 39.19 RCW. WSR 88-22-017 (Order 88-9), § 326-02-040, filed 10/24/88.]