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WAC 308-391-305: Trusts

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 308 > Chapter 308-391 > Section 308-391-305



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 308-391-305


The debtor name provided for a debtor that is a trust or a trustee acting in respect of trust property is the name of the trust as set forth in its organic record(s), if the trust has such a name. If the trust does not have such a name, the name of the trust's settlor will be used for the debtor name. In order for the information management system to function in accordance with the usual expectations of filers and searchers, the name of a trust or of a settlor that is an organization is provided as an organization debtor name, and the name of a settlor who is an individual is provided as an individual debtor name, in each case without regard to the nature or character of the debtor. However, the filing office will enter data submitted by a filer in the fields designated by the filer exactly as it appears in the fields.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 62A.9A-526, chapters 60.68, 60.13, and 9A.82 RCW. WSR 09-12-067, § 308-391-305, filed 5/29/09, effective 6/29/09.]