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WAC 173-306-300: Permit requirements for disposal facilities

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 173 > Chapter 173-306 > Section 173-306-300



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 173-306-300

Permit requirements for disposal facilities.

(1) Applicability. The permit standards of WAC 173-306-300 through 173-306-330 apply to disposal facilities as defined in WAC 173-306-100. These standards do not apply to generators of special incinerator ash who only handle, store and collect ash on-site and transport ash offsite, nor to facilities specifically excluded under WAC 173-306-400 through 173-306-490.
(2) No disposal facility may be established, constructed, altered, expanded, or closed, until the owner or operator has obtained a permit issued under this chapter or a modified permit issued under WAC 173-306-310(3).
(3) Effective dates for permit requirements. The permit requirements of this section apply to all applicable existing, new or expanding disposal facilities within six months after the effective date of this chapter.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.138 RCW. WSR 00-19-018 (Order 00-17), § 173-306-300, filed 9/8/00, effective 10/9/00; WSR 90-10-047, § 173-306-300, filed 4/30/90, effective 5/31/90.]