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WAC 468-305-540: What information about my toll charges is available prior to the administrative hearing or submission of a written dispute?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 468 > Chapter 468-305 > Section 468-305-540



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 468-305-540

What information about my toll charges is available prior to the administrative hearing or submission of a written dispute?

The registered owner may request a copy of the evidence package which will include the NOCPs, toll bills and other customer information at issue in the administrative hearing or written dispute. Discovery, as described in superior court civil rules 26 through 36, is not available.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.63.160, 47.46.105, 47.56.010, 47.56.030(1), 47.56.070, 47.56.403, 47.56.785, 47.56.795. WSR 11-07-039, § 468-305-540, filed 3/14/11, effective 12/3/11 at 12:00 a.m. per WSR 11-24-042.]