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WAC 200-210-025: Water Skiing, Etc.-Prohibited

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 200 > Chapter 200-210 > Section 200-210-025



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 200-210-025

Water skiing, etc.—Prohibited.

Water skiing and the use of surfboards or other similar devices pulled behind a motorboat is prohibited on all areas of Capitol Lake unless prior written authorization is first obtained from the director of enterprise services. [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.19.011, 43.19.620, 43.19.985, 43.19.742, 43.19.769, 39.26.080, 39.26.090, 39.26.251, 39.26.255, and 39.26.271. WSR 15-23-062, § 200-210-025, filed 11/13/15, effective 12/14/15. Statutory Authority: 2011 c 43. WSR 11-23-093, recodified as § 200-210-025, filed 11/17/11, effective 11/17/11; Order 75-5, § 236-16-025, filed 6/23/75. Formerly WAC 236-16-020 (part).]