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WAC 136-01-030: Meetings and voting procedures

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 136 > Chapter 136-01 > Section 136-01-030


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WAC 136-01-030

Meetings and voting procedures.

Regular public meetings of the county road administration board shall be held quarterly, at times and locations set by the board. At the summer meeting, the board shall elect a chair, a vice-chair, and a second vice-chair who shall hold office until the next summer meeting. Additional meetings necessary to discharge the business of the board may be called from time to time by the chair. Each member of the board shall be entitled to one vote. No proxies shall be allowed. All questions shall be decided by majority vote. A quorum of five members of the board shall be required to vote or conduct any board business.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 36.79 RCW. WSR 05-11-036, § 136-01-030, filed 5/11/05, effective 6/11/05; WSR 99-01-021, § 136-01-030, filed 12/7/98, effective 1/7/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 36.78.050 and [36.78].060. WSR 92-13-036 (Order 86), § 136-01-030, filed 6/10/92, effective 7/11/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 36.78.070. WSR 90-07-071 (Order 71), § 136-01-030, filed 3/21/90, effective 4/21/90; Order 9, § 136-01-030, filed 10/22/68.]